Thursday, August 15, 2013

Military Families Should Not Be the Target of Budget Cuts

A friend of mine shared this article recently discussing more budget debates which will likely hit military families.  Yet another of many such articles lately since the sequestration fiasco began.  This kind of talk makes me so angry.

What is frustrating is that the DoD wastes so much money in other areas (for example the terrible use-it-or-lose-it budgeting practice which causes departments to spend frivolously in order to preserve the next year's budget allowance), yet every time there are budget cuts to be made, they target military personnel and their families who are already sacrificing so much!

Photo by SSgt Chad Trujillo
People are always "supporting the troops" with lip-service, but very few people really understand the toll that long term military service puts on members and their families (physically, emotionally, financially).

Perhaps these congressmen should try living the military lifestyle themselves before considering these cuts.

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