Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New Journey!

This summer we decided the best choice for our family was to move into base housing.  There were a multitude of benefits, but one major downside: not the greatest public schools.  Not only do I want to avoid the bullying (which is reportedly around 30% in this district), but I also know my ADHD son needs schools and teachers on their A game in order to succeed.  This also got me thinking about how tough this last military move was, and how many moves we still have ahead of us, and how each time the curriculum shift will become harder for the kids.  So we ultimately decided that homeschooling was the best option.  I was a little excited, but mostly terrified!  Over the summer I have done more and more research, been inspired by Pinterest and the many bloggers out there!  I am now feeling much more excited and confident about the upcoming year!  Our class will include a 2nd grader, and 1st grader, a 2 1/2 year old and a 1 1/2 year old.

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